⚒️Taking Action on Canvas
Understand how to make your Canvas data actionable. Learn how to schedule regular email summaries, create alerts and automations, place trades, and share your dashboard with others.
Canvas not only provides visualizations but also gives you tools to act on the data. Each widget has a set of actions you can use, including:
Schedule Summary: Get regular email updates about the data in a widget.
Create Alert: Receive notifications when something significant happens, like if "AAPL's price is up 1% in a day".
Create Automation: Develop an automation based on the data in a widget.
Place a Trade: Initiate a trade directly from the widget.
To access these actions, click on the action button (looks like three vertical dots) on the top right of each widget. The actions you can take will be displayed in a drop-down menu.
Remember, the Canvas feature is designed to turn data into action, helping you make more informed investment decisions.
Last updated